먼칫 티스토리

업무영어마스터 - 업무전화 1탄 본문

영어 배우기

업무영어마스터 - 업무전화 1탄

먼칫&앰플릿 2020. 7. 24. 22:10

*총 4탄으로 이루어져있습니다.

출처. unsplash

Preview for Chapter 1

A: Call Amplit and ask to talk to Amber.
(앰플릿에 전화해서 앰버에게 얘기해달라고 하세요.)

B: Tell A that Amber is not available and ask to leave a message.
(A에게 앰버가 없다고 말하고 A에게 메세지를 남겨달라고 하세요.)

A: Call Amplit and ask for information about the classes available, the class times, and prices of the classes.
(앰플릿에 전화해서 이용 가능한 수업, 수업 시간, 수업 가격에 대한 정보를 요청하세요.)

B: Give A information about the classes, times, and prices of the classes.
(A에게 수업시간, 수업료에 대한 정보를 주세요.)

A: Repeat the information you heard B say and make sure you understood correctly.
(B가 말한 내용을 반복해서 듣고 제대로 이해했는지 확인하세요.)

A: Call Amplit and explain an issue you are having with your classes.
(앰플릿에 전화해서 수업 중에 어떤 문제가 있는지 설명하세요.)

B: Listen carefully to A, repeat what A said, and try to solve A’s problem.
(A의 말을 잘 듣고, A의 말을 반복하고, A의 문제를 해결하려고 노력하세요.)

Brainstorm your real situation in your office and make up a phone call.
(사무실에서의 당신의 실제 상황을 브레인스토밍하고 전화하세요.)

A: Call (company) and ask to speak to (person).
(~에 전화해서 ~와 통화할 것을 요청하세요.)

B: Tell A that (person) is unavailable.
(A에게 ~을 사용할 수 없다고 말하세요.)

A: Leave a message for (person).
(~에게 메시지를 남기세요.)

B: Listen carefully and repeat the information you heard.
(잘 듣고 당신이 들은 정보를 반복하세요.)

출처. unsplash

새로운 단어 및 표현

단어 및 표현


Hello, (company name).
(Linda) speaking

(전화 받는 사람) 안녕하세요, _의 _가 전화 받았습니다.
*’여보세요’ 처럼 사용되는 말

This is _____ from _____.

(전화 거는 사람)
저는 –의 –입니다.
*본인을 소개할 때 

May I speak with ______?

(전화 거는 사람)
-좀 바꿔주시겠어요?

I’m afraid + negative information

안타깝게도 –습니다.
*안 좋은 소식을 예의 있게 전달

I’ve been trying to get ahold of (him)

그와 연락을 하려고 시도하고 있습니다.

I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.

죄송합니다, 제가 이해를 못했습니다.
(다시 한번 말씀해주시겠어요?)

Can you give him a message?

그에게 메모 좀 남겨 주시겠어요?

Well, the thing is + information

음, 그건 말이죠_
*중요하거나 혹은 ‘복잡한’이야기의 요점 전달할 때 

To sort something out


To depend on (something/someone) for (something)

~이(가), ~에게 달려있다/의존하다.

To affect (something)

영향을 미치다.

The day after tomorrow

내일 모레

Sorry, but could you speak a bit more slowly? + give reason

천천히 좀 말해주시겠어요?

I didn’t catch ______
E.g. I didn’t catch your name

제가 _부분을 이해를 못했습니다.
*디테일한 정보를 다시 물어보고 싶을 때

How do you spell that?

스펠링이 어떻게 되나요?

N as in Nancy

Nancy할 때 N입니다.
*N과 M처럼 스펠링이 헷갈리는 경우나, 사람이름 처럼 고유대명사의 스펠링을 하나하나 설명하는 경우

So that’s ______?

그래서_다는 거죠?
*이해한 정보를 다시 한번 확인할 때 

So anyway,...

그래서, 좌우간에_
*토픽을 바꾸거나, 다시 한번 지나간 토픽을 이야기 하고 싶을 때

I have details on _____ here

이것에 관한 세부정보가 여기에 있습니다.

Everything okay so far?

지금까지 다 괜찮죠?
*상대방의 동의를 얻거나 상대방이 전부 이해했는지를 확인할 때 

Sorry, I don’t quite follow. 

죄송해요, 제가 이해를 못하겠어요.

Time difference


Ah right. Got it.

좋아요, 이해했어요.

Could you read (them) back to me?

저에게 다시 읽어 봐주시겠어요?
*본인이 말한 것을 상대방이 제대로 이해했는지 확인하기 위해 다시 읽어주기를 요청

Hang on

*잠시 정보를 점검하고 싶을 때

(was that last time) three-zero or one-three?

3-0인가요? 1-3인가요?

I’ll pass that on to (Mr. Pheng) as soon as _______.

그 정보를 Pheng씨에게 _하는 대로 전달 드리겠습니다.


출처. unsplash

대화 예시

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

Hello, Torrent Airline Catering.
Linda Forbes speaking.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

Good morning. 
This is Sangmin Lee from Northern Airlines. 
May I speak with Lee Pheng?

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

I’m afraid he’s just left -

Sangmin Lee (caller)

Just left?
Oh no!
I’ve been trying to get ahold of him all day.

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

I said I’ve been trying to get ahold of him all day.
Can you give him a message?

Linda Forbes (call receiver)


Sangmin Lee (caller)

Well, the thing is our computer system has been shut down for some technical reason, and you’re not going to be able to log on to our database until our engineers sort it out. Since we depend on this for exact passenger numbers and dietary requirements, this will affect flights from Singapore to San Francisco the day after tomorrow.

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

Sorry, but could you speak a bit more slowly? 
This information is important, so I want to make sure I get it all right. 

Sangmin Lee (caller)

Oh. Sure. No problem.

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

I didn’t catch your name.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

Sangmin Lee.

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

How do you spell that?

Sangmin Lee (caller)

S-A-N as in Nancy-G-M-I-N. And my last name is Lee, L-E-E.

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

So that’s S-A-N as in Nancy-G-M-I-N. And the last name Lee, L-E-E.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

Yes, that’s right.

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

Okay. Got it.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

So anyway, I have details on the individual passengers here, and I’m going through them to get the information we need. As soon as I have the numbers, I’ll fax them over. Everything okay so far?

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

I think so.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

So, the database problems affect NOA 576 departing Singapore to San Francisco at 09.45 on Sunday, and NOA 1145 leaving at 22.30 also the day after tomorrow.

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

Sorry, I didn’t quite follow.
Sunday is tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

Sorry, here in the States it’s Friday.
Time difference!

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

Ah right. Got it.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

So those are the details.
Could you read them back to me?

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

NOA 576 at 09.45, and NOA 1145 taking off at 22.30.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

Hang on - was that last time three-zero or one-three?

Linda Forbes (call receiver)


Sangmin Lee (caller)

Yep, that’s fine then.

Linda Forbes (call receiver)

I’ll pass that on to Mr. Pheng as soon as he gets back.

Sangmin Lee (caller)

Really appreciate it.

출처. unsplash

요약 및 실습

담당자 찾기

Amber speaking.

Good morning.
This is name from class.
May I speak with Ripley? Good morning. This is name from class. May I speak with Ripley?

Yes, just a moment….
I’m afraid -.
1. he’s just left
2. He’s out of the office today
3. he’s not here at the moment

Can you -?
1. Give him a message?
2. Have him call me back tomorrow?
3. Have him call me back as soon as he gets back in?

상대방이 이야기한 것을 못 들었을 때

I’ve been trying to get ahold of him all day!

Sorry, what was that?

I said, I’ve been trying to get ahold of him all day!


천천히 이야기 해달라고 말하고 싶을 때

Sorry, but could you speak a bit more slowly? + reason
This information is important, so I want to make sure I get it all right.

Oh. Sure. No problem.

크게 이야기 해달라고 말하고 싶을 때

Sorry, but could you speak up a bit? + reason
1. It’s a bit noisy in the office right now
2. I’m on the subway now, and it’s a bit noisy

Yeah, sure, I said...

한번 더 말해달라고 하고 싶을 때

Sorry, I didn’t catch _____
1. that
2. Your name
3. Those last two numbers

1. I said…
2. (your name)
3. It was 3 and 5

스펠링을 요청할 때

How do you spell that?

S-A-N as in Nancy-G-M as in Mary-I-N as in Nancy and my last name is Lee. L-E-E

So that’s S-A-N as in Nancy-G-M as in Mary-I-N as in Nancy and the last name is L-E-E?

Yes, that’s right.

상대방이 정확히 이해했는지 확인하고 싶을 때

Everything okay so far?

1. Yep, I think so
2. So far so good
Can you go over the flight information for me one more time?

상대방의 말을 이해 못했을 때

Sorry, I don’t quite follow. + (Explain why you are confused)

1. Sunday is tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow.
2. Why is the price of the business class more expensive than the price of the general class?

(Explain the reason for the confusion:)
1. Sorry, here in the States it’s Friday. Time difference!
2. The business class  is a more intensive class than the general class and has more homework.

1. Ah right, got it
2. Oh okay, I see


상대방이 정확히 이해했는지 점검하고 싶을 때

So those are the details.
Could you read them back to me?

(Repeat the information you heard:)
1. NOA 576 at 09.45, and NOA 1145 taking off at 22.30.
2. The business class is $50 dollars a week and starts next Friday.

1. Hang on - was that last time three-zero or one-three?
2. Hang on, did you say fifteen as in one-five or fifty as in five-zero?

1. Three-zero.
2. 50 as in five-zero

1. Yep, that’s fine then.
2. Okay




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