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업무영어마스터 - 업무전화 2탄 본문

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업무영어마스터 - 업무전화 2탄

먼칫&앰플릿 2020. 7. 31. 22:16

*총 4탄으로 이루어져있습니다.

새로운 단어 및 표현

단어 및 표현


Could you give me an update on _____ please?

~에 관해서 새로운 소식 좀 알려주시겠어요?

A (sales) pitch


Well, it’s going quite well, actually.

꽤 잘되 가고 있습니다.

We’ve already (pp)

우리는 벌써 ~해왔습니다.

To speak to someone about your ideas

당신의 이야기를 누군가에게 하다.

And so far, 
+ what has happened so far

그리고 지금까지

(person) has agreed with everything we have suggested.

우리가 제안해온 것에 그는 동의했습니다.

How’s _____ going?

~는 어떻게 되가?

To get the results back

결과를 받다.

To analyze the results

결과를 분석하다.

All we’re waiting for now is ______

우리가 지금 기다리고 있는 것은 ~

How’s that going?

어떻게 진행되고있나요?

Well, (something/someone) should have (pp), but...

(PP)되었어야 했지만…

To meet the date

기한을 맞추다.

To put a meeting back to (time)

미팅을 연기하다.

Have you decided which ____ you’re going to _______?
(you can use any WH word here in place of “which”)

어떤 ~를 당신이 ~할 지 결정했나요?

I think it’s going to be basically _____

제 생각에는 기본적으로 _일거에요. 
*90%정도 확신할 때 

Up to now, we’ve only managed to (verb)

지금까지 우리는 (verb)할 수 있었습니다.

We’re in the process of (verbing)

~하는 중입니다.

To seem quite interested

흥미롭게 보이네요.

So when’s _____ going to be?

언제 ~가 될 예정인가요?

To make a provisional date for (time)

임시 일을 ~로 정하다.

Will you be able to make it?

참석하실 수 있으세요?

Keep my posted

소식 전해주세요

대화 예시

General Director (James)

Heather, could you give me an update on the Italcafe pitch please?

Account Manager (Heather)

Well, it’s going quite well, actually. We’ve already met the managing director and he’s told us how he sees his company. We’ve also spoken to him about our ideas, and so far, he’s agreed with everything we’ve suggested.

General Director (James)

How’s the market research going?

Account Manager (Heather)

We’ve just got the results back and we’re analyzing them right now. All we’re waiting for now is the creative work.

General Director (James)

How’s that going?

Account Manager (Heather)

Well, the creative team should have shown me their ideas for the advertising campaign this morning, but they haven’t met the date again, so we’ve put our meeting back to tomorrow.

General Director (James)

Have you decided which media you’re going to use yet?

Account Manager (Heather)

Yes, I think it’s going to be basically radio and television. Up to now, we’ve only managed to contact two of the television companies. We’re in the process of speaking to radio stations and they seem quite interested.

General Director (James)

So what’s(when’s) the presentation going to be?

Account Manager (Heather)

We’ve already made a provisional date for next Friday. Will you be able to make it?

General Director (James)

Yes, I’ll be there. Keep me posted.


진행상황을 물어보기

Could you give me an update on ____ please?
1. The Italcafe pitch
2. Project AZ

Yes, it’s going quite well actually.
We’ve already pp 
1. Meet with the managing director
2. Find the appropriate person to work with

We’ve also pp
1. Speak to him about our ideas
2. Set up a time for filming

And so far, ___ has/have pp
1. He // agree with everything we’ve suggested
2. She // show great interest in our project

How’s ____ going?
1. The market research
2. The filming

Well, ______ should have pp
1. the creative team // show me their ideas for the advertising campaign this morning

2. The filming studio // confirm the shooting dates by now

but ___ hasn’t/haven’t pp
1. they // meet the date again,
2. They // contact me yet
So we’ve pp
1. put our meeting back to tomorrow.
2. Push our schedule back to next week

How’s that going?

We’ve just pp
1. Get the results back
2. Set up a provisional date
And ___’re v-ing ____ right now
1. We // analyze // them
2. Contact possible speakers
All we’re waiting for now is
1. the creative work.
2. confirmation from the venue.

Have you decided which ____ you’re going to ___ yet?
1. Media // use
2. Location // film at

Yes, I think it’s going to be basically ___ and/or ____.
1. radio and television.
2. The trade tower and the bridge next to it
Up to now, we’ve only managed to verb
1. contact two of the television companies
2. Secure the bridge site
 But, we’re in the process of v-ing
1. Speak to radio stations and they seem quite interested.
2. Get the trade tower as well.

So when’s the ___ going to be?
1. Presentation
2. shoot
Yes, I’ll be there. Keep me posted.

We’ve already made a provisional date for ____. Will you be able to make it?
1. next Friday
2. the second Monday of the month


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